Our Manual Osteopath services.

Follow up treatments – Returning Patients Only

Follow-up treatments entail full osteopathic assessment and treatment. Depending on the feedback from the past appointment and how your body is feeling on that given day we will alter treatment to benefit you. Your treatment will range from 20-30 minutes.

During an initial assessment, you and your manual osteopathic practitioner will have a detailed discussion about your medical history which you would have previously filled out before your appointment. A detailed medical history allows your manual osteopathic practitioner to get a better understanding of your current state of health, during this time your manual osteopathic practitioner will start to correlate your symptoms to potential areas in which you may have physical limitations or alterations in function to determine if you are safe to treat. Once you are cleared for treatment you will get a full osteopathic assessment and treatment which entails a full body large-scale assessment to identify areas of restriction and help the manual osteopathic practitioner develop a treatment plan for you.

Initial Assessment - New Patients Only